Using Feminist Advocacy, Collaboration, and Arts-based Practices to Heal Ourselves and Others

  • Renee Sandell
  • Enid Zimmerman


We are two art educators who discuss how our individual and collaborative art-making practices, viewed through a feminist lens, enable us to empower ourselves and others to help repair or heal the world. We explain our personal and collaborative art-making processes through political activism in public arenas and in our daily lives using a Marking and Mapping® process with our conceptions of personal, collaborative, and public voice. We each present two individually authored visual statements along with two accompanying artworks and a collaborative piece that combines a written explanation and graphic example of our views about healing ourselves and the world.

Author Biographies

Renee Sandell

Renee Sandell is founder/program director of SummerVision DC, an expeditionary museum professional development experience since 2010. Renee's awards include the 2019 Lowenfeld Award, 2015-2016 Distinguished Lecturer in Art Education at Miami University and 2013 NAEA National Art Educator, for her leadership and scholarship on her Form+Theme+Context (FTC)®methodology as a balanced way of seeing. Sandell uses her Marking & Mapping® in her own artwork as well as Visual Fitness 4 All: Engaging Creativity and Insight® hands-on workshops in diverse venues. She can be reached at   

Enid Zimmerman

In her research, Enid Zimmerman, Professor Emerita of Art Education at Indiana University, focuses on creativity, feminist, global, history, and policy issues in art education. She has written extensively and has co-edited two recent NAEA books, Connecting Creativity Research and Practice in Art Education and Cultural Sensitivity in a Global World. Her current awards are the Distinguished Lecturer in Art Education at Miami University; the Davis Lecture in Art Education; and the NAEA Elliot Eisner Lifetime Achievement Award. She can be reached at

How to Cite
SANDELL, Renee; ZIMMERMAN, Enid. Using Feminist Advocacy, Collaboration, and Arts-based Practices to Heal Ourselves and Others. Visual Culture & Gender, [S.l.], v. 14, p. 18-25, sep. 2019. ISSN 1936-1912. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 may 2024.
Visual Essays