Precarity in Conversation


  • Yen-Ju Lin Author
  • Yiwen Wei Author
  • Elham Hajesmaeili Author
  • Xalli Zúñiga Author
  • Indira Bailey Author
  • Veronica Hicks Author
  • Leslie C. Sotomayor II Author


Invitation: The text (any style) with image (to include a caption) should be about precarity you have experienced during this past year since VCG volume 15 was published Sept. 15, 2020. An overview of ways to think about precarity is at with a section quoted below:

Philosopher Judith Butler’s writing is a cornerstone for the growing body of literature on precarity. Butler draws a critical distinction between ‘precariousness’ and ‘precarity’. She sees precariousness as a generalised human condition that stems from the fact that all humans are interdependent on each other and therefore all are vulnerable. In her scheme, precarity is different precisely because it is unequally distributed. Precarity is experienced by marginalised, poor, and disenfranchised people who are exposed to economic insecurity, injury, violence, and forced migration. Further, social value is ascribed to some lives and bodies, while it is denied to others, and some are protected, while others are not. (Kasmir, 2021, para. 7)

You may draw on Butler’s theory or any framing of precarity from lived, witnessed, or other modes of learning/knowing of ontological conditions heightened for days, months, or ongoing since September 2020.






Visual Essay